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Closing the Gaps and Meeting Needs: IWA Water Safety Planning Specialist Group

Water safety planning has been adopted by many countries as an effective means to identify and manage water supply system risks. Many utilities, more especially those located in developing countries with rural, small communities, however, face a significant challenge in (i) understanding water safety planning and (ii) developing and implementing water safety planning. Recognizing the rapid worldwide use and dissemination of risk assessment and risk management methodologies for water supply systems, the IWA formed the Water Safety Planning Specialist Group (WSP SG) in September 2011. Philip de Souza was appointed to the Management Committee of the WSP SG as the sub-Saharan representative. 

The Management Committee has established the dissemination of water safety planning especially in small water supply systems as its main strategic objective for the proposed work plan period of 2012 – 2014. Activities includes advocacy on practical knowledge transfer to key stakeholders involved in delivering safe drinking water, the publication of regular newsletters, organization and participation in technical and scientific events, and recruiting more members (especially young professionals) to the WSP SG and general WSP activities.

We congratulate Philip on his appointment and look forward to exciting enhancements to water safety planning through the WSP SG.

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